Would you like to be a part of the 2023 Fistball World Championship as a volunteer? Then you’ve come to the right place!
To support us, we only need a few pieces of information. Tell us when you can and in which areas you would like to help by registering with German Volunteers via our volunteer tool. We will contact you after the application deadline.

Susanne Adler
Khalil Albert
Ulrike Albuzat
Anna-Lisa Aldinger
Horny Alonso
Jessica Altmayer
Camilo Andrade
Andrew Anthony Fernando
Lisa Anthony Fernando
Juan David Arenas Jimenez
Yannick Bader
Marion Bader
Christina Barthelmes
Monika Baum
Bettina Baumann
Jan Beckmann
Michael Behrens
Amer Bekkai
Sachin Belvadi
Andrea Bergen
Elfriede Berker
Rhushikesh Bhosale
Alica Biegel
Thomas Bies
Marion Binz
Florian Blank
Merle Blank
Michael Blickensdörfer
Valerie Bloos
Holger Bloos
Matthias Blösch
Anita Blume
Patrick Bode
Wolfgang Bokkarius
Jürgen Boller
Kirsten Boller
Melanie Bondza
Anna Bondza
Martina Bortolotto
Stefan Bösch
Fabian Braun
Andreas Breithaupt
Axel Brohm
Stefanie Bücheler-Sandmeier
Alexander Bumiller
Moritz Bussemer
Jessica Chicova
Sandra Clevenz
Patrick Clevenz
Klaus Conrad
Celine Conrad
Marion Conrad
Nadine Conrad
Louis Cotgrove
Brian Croseck
Felicia Cymutta
Stephan Cymutta
Claudia Cymutta
Rosa Cymutta
sudarshan dahake
Emma Dallinger
Philipp Daugs
Jana Dedek
Thomas Demmig
iris Dertinger
Martin Dertinger
Ramona Dertinger
Stefanie Deša
Tjark Dettmer
Stephane Dezort
Richard Diehm
Christian Dietz-Verrier
Michael Dihlmann
David Doll
Glib Domin
Nelly Dörfer
Gabriele Dörner
Kevin Dühr
Franziska Dühr
Leo Eckerle
Klaus Eckert
Christoph Eilinghoff
Johanna Einsiedler
Kyle Ejsmont
Maria Erhard
Cecília Felinto de Oliveira Jaques
Kai Fiechtner
Stephan Finger
Jessica Fischer
Dieter Fischer
Annette Fischer
Markus Fischer
Anna Fleige
Mona Fleuchaus
Saskia Fockner
Jakobea Föller
Thomas Förster
Katja Franke
Christian Frenzel
Sylvia Freyhof
Vera Fuchs
Gabi Gärtner
Felix Gärtner
Heidi Gaulke
Ashish Gautam
Meryem Genc
Abebe Ghebre Hawariat
Rita Gillmann
Christian Gillmann
Lionel Glaese
Lorenz Gleißner
Jule Glimsche
Thomas Glöggler
Isolde Goerdes
Parvathy Gopinath
Leo Goth
Lara Götz
Julia Graml
Martin Gremmer
Markus Grieser
Liborio Grillo
Camilla Haas
Dirk Haase
Gregor Hafer
Franziska Hafer
Daniel Hagenah
Benjamin Hägenläuer
Kirsten Hähn
Eva Hahnelt
Niels Hahnelt
Wanda Halat
Sofie Hamann
Timo Härkönen
Tamaryn Harper
Gregor Hartmann
Marvin Hebecker
Lenka Hec
Cosima Helbig
Steffen Hermann
Pia Hermanns
Horst Herrmann
Christine Herrwerth
Julius Herrwerth
Gerhard Heß
Charlotte Heß
Martina Heugel-schell
Manfred Hey
Karoline Heyer
Susann Höckel
Bernd Höckel
Niklas Hodel
Marie Suzan Hodel
Jan Höfer
Jannes Holland-Jobb
Ida Hollmann
Jörg Hombrink
Álvaro Horny
Axel Hundertmark
Niels Hupkens
Jan Hupkens
Marit Igney
Alin Irle
Carsten Irle
Ben Justus Irle
Ronja Sophia Irle
Tomas Irle
Siddarth Jain
Smilla Jedamski
Klaudia Johasz
Christof Jugel
Agathe Jung
Rouven Kadgien
Tina Kaffenberger
Moritz Kaufmann
Moritz Kiefer
Rosa Klassen
Irene Klein
Dieter Klein
Manuela Klein
Dominik Klein
Sven Kletzin
Hannah Klink
Linda Knauf
Jonas Knieß
Nadine Knodel
Markus Knodel
Bernhard Kö
Ryohei Kobayashi
Julia Kommert
Rosemarie Kommert
Edgar Kommert
Katharina Kraczuk
Arved Kraus
Kerstin Kreye
Emily Kreye
barbara kronberg
Birgit Kübler
Thomas Kübler
Thomas Kühn
Dagmar Kühn
Christian Kunath
Claudia Kutschka
Santosh Laddipelly
Kurt Lamnert
Klaus Langer
Ulrike Laule
Annika Laux
Karl Lechelt
Moritz Leidig
Julius Leidig
Nina Leidig
Moritz Leidig
Gerhard Lengtat
Aleksej Liebernickel
Mirko Liebernickel
Andreas Lin
Jana Monika Lindenthal
Gertrud Link
Monika Link
Jana Link
Nico Loddo
Karin Lorscheider
Sabine Lösch
Robin Löwe
Marc Löwe
Tim Ludwig
Bloos Luisa
Lisa Maas
Sophia Mahr
Rita Malacarne
Carlo Malacarne
Heiko Mangler
Ulrike Mangler
Karl-Heinz Mark
Oliver Mark
Udo Martin
Soeh Louisa Martina
Helen Matz
Tanja Matz
Rainer Maurer
Sabine Maurer
Hartmut Maus
Michael Meder
Philipp Meder
Claudia Meier
Stefan Meinecke
Sophia Meister
Gerald Merk
Jeannique Meyer
Lena Meyer
Leoni Meyer
Ron Mitzenheim
Cristobal Mödinger
Anka-Marie Mohr
Werner Mondl
Katharina Mondl
David Mondl
Fabian Mondl
Dominik Mondl
Marcel Moritz
Natalie Moritz
Birgit Moritz
Alexander Moritz
Franziska Moritz
Angelika Moritz
Wolfgang Mueller
Philipp Müller
Isadora Müller
Nico Müller
Marco Müller
Philipp Müller
Linus Mury
Axin Mustafa
Karin Mutzbauer
Hermann Mutzbauer
Shalon Mwende
Oliver Nahlik
Shivaji Namal
Shivaja Namala
Uwe Nandzik
Fichtner Natascha
Meret Nickel
Axel Nissler
Christoph Oberlehner
Lili Oesten
Katharina Oesterwind
Luisa Offenburger
Andreas Orzyszek
Thomas Orzyszek
Jutta Orzyszek
Rainer Orzyszek
Klaus Ostermeier
Emil Ostermeier
Claudia Ott
Viktoriia Ovcharova
Giovanni Peluso
Oliver Peplinski
Hanna Peters
Klaus Peters
Kay Peters
Gaby Peters
Peter Pfeiffenberger
Florian Pfeiffer
Sonja Pfrommer
Trautmann Philipp
Sohil Pipaliya
Gerlinde Pohl-Reitemeier
Julia Predl
Marie Predl
Ueli Reißner
Ulrich Reitemeier
Alina Renk
Nele Renk
Sahana Renuka Prasad
Julia Ried
Christine Riedl
Hans Riemer
Angelika Rode
Monika Ropers
Tobias Rossi
Justus Roßtäuscher
Katharina Rumpf
Julia Runge
Solvi Ryder
Satheesh Samavedam
Dhruvesha Samdani
Ole Schachtsiek
Julian Scharf
Petra Scharfenberger
Peter Scharfenberger
Karl F. Schauhoff
Harald Schell
Mariana Scherer Eltz
Sven Scheufler
Kristin Schiller
Kristina Schindler
Pia Schmechel
Claudia Schmidt
Sabine Schmieder
Joachim Schmitt
Bärbel Schmitt
Anna Schmitz
Kathrin Schmitz
Simone Schneckenberger
Uwe Schneider
Nils Benedikt Schödel
Daniel Scholl
Maren Scholl
Denise Schollenberger
Christian Schömers
Lukas Schrauder
Nina Schuller
Isabell Schuller
Sylvia Schulz
Dietmar Schulze
Robert Schuster
Ursula Seeliger
Alina Seib
Kati Seilo
Julia Seus
Darshankumar Shah
Helena Siefermann
Eva Siegmund
Regina Sivongsa
Amareth Sivongsa
Berit Sniehotta
Mailin Sniehotta
Marcel Martin Sobotta
Teresa Spadinger
Uwe Spille
Sönke Spille
Joschka Spitz
Bernd Stadter
Lavinia Stein
Niels Stirner
Felix Stirner
Torsten Stix
Marcel Stoklasa
Heike Stoklasa
Uwe Stoklasa
Jürgen Stolte
Jette Ruby Störmer
Valeria Storrer
Anna Strietzel
Tim Stürmer
Annelie Süfling
Lydia Sulecki
Drazen Tadic
Laura Helena Thomaz
Phillip Thorn
Jan-Niklas Tille
Jonas Tille
Santiago Tintinago
Melina Toggas
Fernando Torino de Oliveira
Aldair Torres
Kim Trautmann
Michael Traxl
Jasper Trinemeier
Cedric Trinemeier
Stefanie Trinemeier
Jörg Trinemeier
Jan-Frederic Trinemeier
Gerd Uhlig
Greta Ulrich
Kai Ulrich
Marie-Fleur Ulrich
Helga Ulrich
Klaus Ulrich
Anagha Venkatesh
Jörn Verleger
Bettina Vetter
Nico Volk
Birgit Vorpahl
Thomas Wabnigg
Caroline Wackler
Giuseppina Wagner
Christiane Warmuth
Ines Weber
Valentin Weber
Anni Weber
Jannik Wefer
Henrik Weihert
Robert Weinberger
Michael Welz
Dieter Westermann
Sandra Widomski
Stephan Widomski
Paul Wieshammer
Ellen Wilhelmi-Trinemeier
Marvin Winter
Karsten Wittemann
Isabell Wittemann
Iris Wittemann
Achim Wittemann
Michael Wittich
Anna Wohlfahrt
Moritz Torsten Woitag
Torsten Woitag
Dan Wu
Eduardo Wünsche
Youri Wurring
Yasmin Yasin
Caner Yilmaz
Hannah Zang
Cristian Zang
Wolfgang Zidek
Bärbel Zidek
Heike Ziegler
Marieke Zink
Julius Zolg
Marvin Zubrod
I have never been a volunteer before. Can I still apply?
Yes, don’t worry, there is a suitable task for everyone. We are looking for your support, no matter if you are new or a professional volunteer. In the lead-up to the tournament, you will receive comprehensive training and information to help you perform your tasks well and make the event an awesome experience.
How old do I have to be to apply?
We are happy about everyone who wants to support us in making the Fistball World Championships a tremendous success. The minimum age to be a volunteer is 16 years. We also require a declaration of consent from the parents of volunteers who are not of age.
Will there be walk-in kids at the games?
Yes, we are happy about every child who wants to enter the arena with the players. For organizational reasons, we ask that parents contact us directly by email at volunteer.office@faustball.de. Please provide the name, date of birth and availability of your children here.
Will volunteer accommodations be provided?
All volunteers are responsible for organizing and paying for any accommodation they may need before or during the matches. However, we will be happy to help you get in touch with other volunteers early on so that you can organize overnight accommodations together.
Do I have to live in Germany to register?
My application
Until when can I apply as a volunteer?
You can register for your volunteer assignment at the Fistball World Championship until June 30, 2023.
Can I support in the preparation of the World Championship?
Is it possible to participate as a volunteer group?
My assignments
How many shifts do I have to cover?
How long does a shift last?
When will I receive my scheduled shifts?
How do I get to my shift?
Do I need a ticket for the Fistball MWC?
Why are fewer volunteers needed at the SAP Arena?
Can I pick my shifts?
Are there any specific requirements?
What do I get for my work?
I have further questions. Who can I contact?
Our World Fistball Championships volunteer team will be happy to help you via e-mail at volunteer.office@faustball.de.